Georgian Water and Power

Georgian Water and Power


Georgian Water and Power

visit website

Client: Georgian Water and Power


  • Website design (UX/UI)

  • Website development/markup (FrontEnd)

  • Website development (BackEnd)

  • Website optimization (SEO)

Webpage Development - Georgian Water and Power
UX-UI Design - Georgian Water and Power
Customer briefing:
The main goal of the "GWP" – a Georgian Water Supply leader company on the Georgian market, is to provide quality water stock for Tbilisi population, state institutions, industrial and commercial facilities. Our intention is to create a mobile application for the company, where the subscribers will be able to find information about any delay or some urgent news regarding the service circumstances.

Design Philosophy:

While working on the project, we took into consideration the company related colors that are directly associated with water. Mobile application integrated with the website allows subscribers to receive timely information on all the information that the company spreads.
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