

visit website

Client: Development Company Axis 


  • Website Design (UX/UI)

  • Website Development/Markup (FrontEnd)

  • Website Development (BackEnd)

  • Website Optimization (SEO)

Webpage Development - AXIS
UX-UI Design - AXIS
Customer briefing:
The main goal, which unites each and every member of the construction-development company Axis team, is the development of environment and the new word in the Georgian real estate market. Our wish is to create a website for the company, where some news updates on ongoing projects or information regarding the accomplished ones will be posted.

Design Philosophy:

While working on the company website we actively used a combination of black and yellow colors, which resulted in a robust concept of one system that is easily comprehensible and distinguishable. A yellow color that shows energy and vigor will revive every page of the site and communicates with it practical and attractive, which is directly reflected on the ability of sales growth.
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