Galaxy Group

Galaxy Group


Galaxy Group

visit website

Client: LTD Galaxy 


  • Logo and branding (Logo/Branding)

  • Website design (UX/UI)

  • Website development/markup (FrontEnd)

  • Website development (BackEnd)

  • Website optimization (SEO)

Webpage Development - Galaxy Group
UX-UI Design - Galaxy Group
Customer briefing:
The objective of the construction and development company "Galaxy Constructions" is to create a high standard of quality on the Georgian real estate market, which is achieved through an innovative vision of construction. Our wish is to create a logo, corporate branding and website that comply with the company standards.

Design Philosophy:
The colors that have been preferred for corporate branding are prompted by a company name that is associated with infinite cosmos, eternity and constant innovation. Its logo represents the symbol of the company, which gives us a kind of typographic visual insight and a sense of strength and confidence. That’s exactly the feeling that does not leave us while viewing the company's website, where there is a strong connection between informative nature, colorfulness and a system that is essential for the functioning of the site.
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