Client: Anagi Construction Company
Logo Re-Branding
Corporate Branding
Website Design (UX/UI)
Website Development/Markup (FrontEnd)
Website Development (BackEnd)
Website Optimization (SEO)
Client: Anagi Construction Company
Briefly about the client:
The main activity of the largest construction company Anagi involves civil-industrial construction, focused on speed, quality, and results. The company applies for logo rebranding, and creating corporative branding, that will make information about the activities of the company available.
Design Philosophy:
The first task, which was set to the team of "Connect" was company logo rebranding, in the framework of which the existing logo - the pillar as a support became lighter and simpler, having maintained it’s meaning as a symbol of stability and solidity. The next step included working out the company’s corporative brand, shown in the website concept, revealing flexibility and lightness. The stylistics of the whole website is represented in a musical game, which is more interesting and original for the user.