

visit website

Client: Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation


  • Website Design (UX/UI)

  • Website Development/Markup (FrontEnd)

  • Website Optimization (SEO)

  • Web Server Support (VPS Support)

Webpage Development - GOGC
UX-UI Design - GOGC

As for the video of the GOGC that we created, it endeavors to explore the 7 regions of the country where one meets with a merge of the beautiful nature of Georgia and the modern world of technologies, clearly presenting the corporation’s accomplished or ongoing projects on the map of Georgia, exposed on the screen and makes the narrative more visible and comprehensible.


Working with the "GOGC" – Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation, based on the scale of its nature and importance, was a very interesting and significant challenge for the entire Connect team. In our joint work, the main objective was establishing the corporate branding, including logo, website and video production, taking into consideration the activities, status and character of the "GOGC".

The logo, as one of the most important parts of the company's image, answers the visions and goals of the same company. Its contents incorporate and converge as a concept of the company's multi-directional and international (including Georgian) sacred symbol of sun and energy, as well as a sign of a lotus shape that "Connect" team linked to the importance of partnership and company's policy.

While working on the website we have taken into consideration all modern standards for creating a simple, organized system site (UX)and a correct visual communication (UI) that in turn is tailored to the company's wishes and needs, and on the other hand facilitates a connection between the company and the audience.

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