Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

visit website

Client: Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 


  • Logo and Branding (Logo/Branding)

  • Website Design (UX/UI)

  • Website Development/Markup (FrontEnd)

  • Website Development (BackEnd)

  • Website Optimization (SEO)

  • Web Server Support (VPS Support)

Webpage Development - Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
UX-UI Design - Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The visual concept of the website is based on the style of the logo. 

In terms of functionality, the site is multifunctional and includes portals such as: Business Partner Portal, Eventს Portal, B2B Portal and Online Services.
An abstraction of the idea of a logo, which is related to the unity of several components, namely: it depicts the ancient Silk Road, the gate as a conductive system. Also the wing as a symbol of rapid development and success.

The character of the symbol shows the ancient historical culture conveyed in a modern style and the strategy for the development of this culture. Evokes a sense of trust and strength that is most important in a relationship.
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