Client: JSC Silknet
Website design (UX/UI)
Website development/markup (FrontEnd)
Website development (BackEnd)
Website optimization (SEO)
Website support (Web Support)
Web server support (VPS Support)
Client: JSC Silknet
In the modern world, the speed of information transfer is much faster than before. Accordingly, we must follow the pace and create platforms that facilitate communication.
Silknet's new website, which we are very proud of, has been created for the efficiency of communication between users and the company. Our team has put a lot of energy into making it very easy for customers to access useful information.
Silknet is the largest telecommunications company in Caucasus, providing full communication services to customers (fixed and mobile phones, fixed and wireless internet, fixed and satellite TV).
Over the years, many innovative steps have been taken to improve the service and in 2018 Silknet became the owner of the country's largest mobile communications company Geocell.